The Directors WarRoom: Join The Ranks of The Most Successful Business Leaders In Europe & Middle East



London & Now Dubai

Membership to The Directors WarRoom is exclusive to business leaders whose companies generate annual sales in excess of £10 million.

The Directors WarRoom: Where Ambition Meets Achievement

Discover the Power of Elite Mentorship and Strategic Masterminding
Unlock Your Business's Full Potential with The Directors WarRoom.

Who We Are:

The Directors WarRoom is not just an elite group; it's a crucible where the exceptional becomes the norm. Our members are not just participants; they're the epitome of success - leaders of £10M+ companies who don't just walk the path of growth but sprint it.

What We Offer:

Laser-Focused Mentorship: Decades of expertise at your fingertips, guiding you from a promising entrepreneur/leader to a £100M+ industry titan. Avoid pitfalls and scale with confidence.
Tailored Growth Blueprints: A 12-month, customised strategy designed to maximize efficiency and success. Regular feedback from peers and mentors to refine your trajectory.
Exclusive Mastermind Group: Engage with 12-15 CEOs who share your ambition. Leverage collective wisdom and experience to overcome challenges faster and smarter.
Lifetime Connections: Gain access to a network of trusted advisors. Collaborate, innovate, and grow with support that extends far beyond the program.

Our Philosophy:

Breaking free from the shackles of linear thinking, we ignite innovation and propel the Directors WarRoom towards boundless growth. We do this with unyielding integrity and unwavering commitment.

Membership Criteria:

Entrepreneurial Leadership: Founder/CEO or controlling shareholder with a track record of decisive leadership.
Experience & Success: At least 3 years at the helm of your current organisation, demonstrating a blend of experience and freshness.
Post-Traction Performance: Your business must have a minimum annual revenue of £10M plus.
Ambition & Humility: A drive to triple your revenue and profit within 3-5 years, paired with a willingness to learn and contribute.
Commitment: Dedication to attend our 5-hour monthly meetings behind closed doors in Central London (now opening in Dubai).

Meeting quantitative benchmarks is just the start. We seek members who personify our core values during the interview and onboarding process.

Your Next Step:

If you're a leader who turns ambition into action and aligns with our values, we invite you to apply for a free consultation to assess your fit with The Directors WarRoom.

Embrace the opportunity to scale your business, achieve your entrepreneurial dreams, and create lasting wealth.

Apply Now to Become a Member of The Directors WarRoom.

Your journey to exponential growth and unparalleled success begins here. Go to the bottom of the page to complete your application form.

Moe, your seasoned mastermind host and strategic advisor, brings a wealth of expertise honed over forty years of guiding FTSE 100 executives and successful millionaires. His approach transcends conventional advice, offering a robust, proven Five Pillars Methodology to ensure sustainable business growth. These pillars – Staffability, Sustainability, Scalability, Systemisation, and Sellability – are the cornerstone of his method, meticulously refined to foster scalable success across various industries. With Moe's guidance, you'll not only understand these principles but master the art of applying them to transform and exponentially grow your business.

It Use To Be Lonely at the Top for the Eight-Figure Business Leaders & Entrepreneurs

Eight-figure success feels empty without peers. The Directors WarRoom smashes that isolation. Twelve to fifteen titans per boardroom, one goal: Elevate your business from eight to nine figures.

Forget country clubs. This is a ruthlessly result-driven mastermind. Monthly London at the Ritz or Parliament (and opening in Dubai) . Commit to growth, be held accountable, or step aside.

Peer-to-peer rocket fuel:

Unfiltered feedback. Strategic partnerships.
Breakthrough insights. Ignite explosive growth.

Hunger for the stratosphere? Apply today. Leave your eight-figure shadow behind.

P.S. FTSE 100 leaders call Moe Nawaz their "secret weapon for executive synergy."

"The FTSE 100 Leaders working with Moe Nawaz consider him to be their personal secret weapon of choice. There isn't a more effective, high-impact, low-visibility way to multiply executive synergy than engaging Moe around your highest-value opportunities and problems".

Join the extraordinary. Take your eight figure business and grow it to nine figures with The Directors WarRoom members.

Some of Our Mastermind Members Share Their Thoughts . . .

I too have to surround myself with world Authorities so I can continue to learn.

Directors WarRoom - The Fastest & Safest Way To Grow Your Business

The Directors WarRoom® program will assist you to STOP LEAVING MONEY ON THE TABLE for your competitors by making you STAND OUT from almost every competitor you have in your marketplace.

There is NO other peer-to-peer Business Mentoring program in Europe that has the experience and the know how to assist and succeed in growing your business and we are going to offer you to ACTUALLY walk away each month from our meetings with a project or a strategy for your business.

All our Directors WarRoom Mastermind Groups will be led by the millionaires mentor and strategic advisor to FTSE 100 leaders Moe Nawaz (author of “Mastermind Groups” and other publications on Amazon) Our members are going to come from all over Europe and they will bring a level of BIG THINKING that no small local mastermind group could ever offer you.

WARNING: YOU MUST HAVE ANNUAL SALES OF £10 million Plus before being considered. We reject on average 34% of applications for our Directors WarRoom®, not everyone that applies gets in. The Directors WarRoom® mentoring program is not for the faint-hearted. If you have a business which you know that can grow and you are willing to work hard to grow it and be successful, then this could be your chance to work with Europe’s leading like-minded business leaders and entrepreneurs to grow & prosper together.

The reason that not everyone gets in is, the first thing we need to know is: Do you have what it takes to become wealthy? Will you work hard enough? Will you stick to your success? How determined are you to succeeding? Do you have the stamina for success? Will you be prepared to share your journey each month, Do you have the backbone for what it takes to be successful? You see, if you don’t, the chances are you won’t succeed. I might sound a bit hard but I am trying to make you understand that making money and being successful is a skill that can be taught by the millionaires mentor and strategic advisor to FTSE 100 Leaders in the The Directors WarRoom mastermind groups – as long as you are ready, willing and committed to apply what you learn diligently.

Eligibility For Joining The Directors WarRoom® Mastermind Group Program London or Dubai.

You Must Have Annual Sales Over £10 million to qualify for the application.

Will this be the year you finally take your business to the next level?

Feel that gnawing sense of something bigger waiting beyond the horizon?

The Directors WarRoom®, Europe's premier mastermind for leaders like you, unlocks doors you never knew existed.

Discover your true potential in monthly, closed-door sessions filled with peer-to-peer wisdom, expert guidance, and transformative strategies.

Ready to step into your next chapter?

Fill out the form below to arrange a Zoom call to discover more about becoming a member of the Directors WarRoom groups in London or Dubai.

Submit Your Application For The Directors WarRoom

Who is Moe Nawaz?

The Millionaires Mentor and the Strategic Advisor to the FTSE 100 Leaders, Moe Nawaz has created one the most dynamic learning communities in the world through his peer-to-peer Mastermind Groups. The eight figure business entrepreneurs and leaders in his communities help each other to learn. Since Moe has been running his communities for the eight figures plus Mastermind Groups programs including The Directors WarRoom, taking a very conservative figure even by cutting it in half Moe has increased revenues in excess of £760 million for his clients.

Moe works with and mentors highly successful ambitious millionaires and EIGHT figure leaders, entrepreneurs, executives, and innovators to support, encourage and accelerate their progress with tangible results you can bank, through Moe’s dedicated Mentoring programs and his strategic advisory business. His London-based mentoring and strategic advisory company (Duke Brothers Ltd) help clients uncover innovative strategic options that maximise long-term shareholder value, from market entry to M&A. Through rigorous competitive analytic, tailored advisory work, and intelligent financing strategies, Moe help companies and investors make strategic choices that will accelerate growth and put their resources to better use.

Lord Young and Moe Nawaz

Moe Nawaz and Dan Kennedy

Mark Victor Hansen and Moe Nawaz

Jay Alan Samit and Moe Nawaz

With over four decades of experience, Moe Nawaz has worked with companies, entrepreneurs, millionaires and leaders in America, Canada, Dubai, Germany, Turkey, South Africa, Iran, China, Russia, India, Italy and France, making his client base truly international. He is a highly sought after speaker, trusted mentor & high growth strategic advisor to FTSE 100 leaders, and is considered by many as the maverick thinker, game changer, integration catalyst and thought leader.

The case studies and any testimonials on this page and throughout the site are, to the best of my ability and knowledge to determine, all true and accurate. Each client or former client gave the testimonies willingly without any inducements or compensations in any way in exchange. These testimonials and case studies do represent our typical and average results in the mastermind group depending on the duration as a member in the group. I can't make anyone follow my guidance, and I certainly can't promise that my mentoring or coaching, as interpreted and implemented by everyone, is going to achieve for everyone the kinds of results it's helped the members of the mastermind groups on this page have achieved. The income statements and examples on this website are not intended to represent or guarantee that everyone will achieve the same results. Each individual member’s success will be determined by his or her desire, commitment, dedication, ability to understand marketing, product, effort and motivation to work and follow recommendations. There is no guarantee you will duplicate the results stated here. You recognise any business endeavour has inherent risk for loss of investment in yourself and mine is no exception.

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